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Enough is enough!”, you say.  It’s time.  You’re ready to take action.  To lose weight.  There’s something I love about the start of a journey.  There’s a readiness, an apparent willingness to make a change.  There’s hope and enthusiasm.  There’s a sense of excitement, of possibility.  People say all the right things.

Too often though, just a few steps into the weight loss journey, we see a different attitude.  It seems the willingness to make changes was just surface talk.  You won’t change.  You say you want to, but you’re not ready yet.  I’ve seen it so often that I already know the signs to look for.

Here are 5 signs you’re not going to lose weight:


5 Signs that you’ll never lose weight (and what to do about them)



1.  You’re not clear about what you want …or why

You didn’t actually set a goal.  “Lose weight” or “get in shape”, are both vague and uninspiring.  You can’t hit a target that doesn’t exist.

The ‘why’ is a bigger issue.  On your journey you’ll inevitably encounter some resistance.   There will be obstacles.  Without a strong emotional reason to keep you going – a sense of purpose – you’ll give up as soon as the going gets tough.

Solution: Be clear and specific on what you want.  Write it down.  Find an inspiring reason to do it.  Tie your goal to what you value most in life.  Reasons precede results.


2.  You talk about yourself in absolutes

You describe yourself as if all of your traits and characteristics are fixed.  “I have no coordination/strength/flexibility …I can’t eat in the morning …I’ve got a sweet tooth ….I can’t cook.”

If you’re at the mercy of your traits, how can you possibly change?  This is victim-speak.  And the more you recite your excuses, the more you believe them to be true.

But human beings are tremendously adaptable.  You can change.  Anything can be improved with the right practice.  You can adapt to different eating patterns and food preferences.

Solution: Be impeccable with your word.  Talk growth and improvement.  Talk possibility.  Read Mindset by Carol Dweck.


3.  You fight too hard for your current habits

You say you want to change but fight like mad for the status quo.  “I don’t have time for breakfast …I don’t like to prepare food in advance …I’m too busy to exercise …I don’t eat vegetables.”

Our results are the product of our habits.  Seemingly inconsequential in the moment, over time they stack up to produce a result.  It can be positive or negative.  To get a different result, you have to do something differently.  Some change is necessary.

Solution: Do the bare minimum.  What can you do?  Pick one habit and make it easier than you think you can handle.  Make it ridiculously easy.  Then build on it.


4.  You expect it to be quick and easy

Fitness industry hype and shameless sales & marketing techniques have you believing that your ‘transformation’ should occur in 30 days.  And that you should have a cheesy grin etched upon your face the entire time.

When reality doesn’t mirror this, you throw in the towel and return to your starvation diet, shrinking violet wrap, or whatever the latest fad is.

Solution: Reassess your expectations.  You must change behaviours to lose weight.  Recognise that this takes time.  Focus on behaviours instead of outcomes and do the fundamentals, consistently, for at least a year.  Have some faith.  Practice patience and persistence.  And go on a fitness media fast: stop exposing yourself to industry hype.


5.  You want to do everything at once

You beat yourself up with a crazy exercise ‘plan’.  At the same time you completely overhaul your diet – often with a series of unnecessary rules and restrictions.  Maybe it’s low-carb, or fasting, or religiously clean eating.  Whatever is popular.

Maybe it’s not quite that extreme but in trying to make several changes at once, you are doomed to failure.  And when you do fail, you turn around and say, “See!  I tried it, and it didn’t work”.

Solution: Again, take a long-term approach and focus on just one small habit change at a time.  Inching forward one tiny step at a time is better that going all out then crashing and burning in a matter of weeks.


BIG IDEA: If you want different results, you have to do something differently.


  1. Get clear on what you want and why.
  2. Get your mind right. Recognise that you can change, you can grow.
  3. Pick one simple habit change and focus on being consistent at it.
  4. Reassess your expectations and practice patience.
  5. Take one step forward today.

ACTION STEP: Start today!  Pick one of the above and do something positive NOW!

Always Keep Reaching!
