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I like to describe myself as a recovering Type A.

Type A, because I’ve always swayed towards being driven, organised, achievement-orientated and impatient.  Recovering, because I’m realising that, for me, many Type A traits don’t actually support happiness.

While I’m still proactive and ambitious – and I like that side of my character – I feel happier having learned to appreciate a ‘softer’ perspective of things.  To chill out a little.

Here are my 4 tips for Type A rehab.


1. Appreciate & Celebrate

Isn’t it ironic that my clients that have the most enviable physiques are the ones who are least happy with their body?  The sad thing is, no matter how fit and lean they get, I’m not sure it will ever be enough for them.

This applies not just to fitness, but to money and status and any other measure of ‘success’ you care to mention.  Unless we learn to appreciate where we’re at, we’ll always be chasing …and we’ll never arrive.

Last year, my girlfriend asked me what I considered my biggest achievement in life.  I struggled to answer the question.  Not because I haven’t done any cool things, but because all I could see was what was undone.  What was yet to be achieved.

I’m finding that the practice of appreciation and gratitude is crucial, not just to help me enjoy the journey, but to help keep me inspired.  And although it sometimes feels uncomfortable, celebrating the mini-wins along the way seems like something I’ll be glad I did when I get to the end.  As I tell my clients, all progress is progress, and forward steps should not be scoffed at, no matter how small.


2. Travel

I’m not talking about another business trip.  I’m talking about going somewhere else and experiencing a different perspective on life.  Maybe even meeting some people who are different from your peers.

When we broaden our horizons we might just find that the things we stress about every day aren’t quite the ‘life or death’ matters we seem to think they are.  Most of our stuff isn’t such a big deal.  The 7 months I spent backpacking in Latin America were transformational for me on that front.

If you can’t travel, at least do something to change your environment.  Take some time out.  Get some ‘mellow yellow’ time, as one of my mentors calls it.  Being a workaholic has its positives but our best insights often come during our downtime.  It helps us see the world with fresh eyes.

I’ve just spent a few days in the Czech Republic on a stag trip with friends.  Although the late nights and partying might not be considered the best thing for my health, the change of scene and break from routine was just what I needed.  Which brings me to my next point…


Enjoying a change of scene in Prague

Enjoying a change of scene in Prague


3. Embrace imperfection

Sometimes good enough is good enough.  Too often, in my clients and myself, I see the all or nothing approach.

If cannot eat perfectly all week, I might as well write off my healthy eating plan until next Monday.  If I cannot exercise for 45 minutes, I won’t bother at all.  If I miss a day or two of my latest resolution, I’ll just forget about it altogether.

If I cannot be great at something, I won’t even try.

I normally write my blog on Mondays.  I was struggling this week and so rather than post something late, my intention was just to skip it …until I remembered I don’t need to be perfect.  Better late than never.  Good enough is good enough.

Perfectionism is a curse.  We have to try, to act, and to make mistakes if we want to do something with our life.  We have to give ourselves permission to fail and to mess up.  Especially if something is new to us.  If all we do is hold ourselves back or beat ourselves up, we’ve missed an opportunity to learn and improve.  We have to try not to take it personally, but to take any feedback objectively and use it to do better next time.  Not perfect, but better.


It’s ok to have a beer.  And even though my pal took some stick for this, it’s even ok to spill some beer.

It’s ok to have a beer. And even though my pal took some stick for this, it’s even ok to spill some beer.


4. Focus

Having a million different things to do is stressful.  Having a million steps to take is disheartening.

One thing.  That’s what I try to remind myself.  What one thing do I need to focus on right now?  What one thing is the most important?  What one step can I take today – no matter how small?

Find that and do that.  Win the day.

It’s what Always Keep Reaching is all about.  Not achievement, not perfection, but growth.  It’s about taking tiny, frequent steps and remembering to practice appreciation along the way.


BIG IDEA: It’s easy for the driven person to spend a lifetime chasing things yet and never feel happy or satisfied.

TAKEAWAY: Type A’s might benefit from a little rehab.  Slow down, appreciate, travel, embrace imperfection, and focus on what matters most. 

ACTION STEP: Make a list of 5 achievements you can celebrate – no matter how small.  Feel free to share in the comments below!

Always Keep Reaching!
